November 2020 Update

This Thanksgiving, we are grateful for many things: including the wonderful work we see taking shape at the NEW Prairie Lane Elementary!

Prairie Lane Nov 20

Exterior work is in final stages with completion of vehicular paving and striping. Asphalt pedestrian paths on the east side of the school are being replaced with concrete paving. Playground improvements are nearly complete. A larger portion of the landscaping will be complete by the end of 2020, however the crews will seed the grass areas in the spring.

Interior work is progressing including paint, tile, doors, cabinets, and ceilings. The gym flooring will be installed in December. The recent surge in COVID cases in the Omaha metro area has negatively affected a few of the trade contractor crews, which has slowed progress on the interior work. Vrana is analyzing and updating the schedule based on the reduced productivity. We will keep you in the loop with our monthly updates!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Westside Community Schools