March 2021 Update

Posted March 1, 2021

We are excited to share that plans are still on track for an April 6 Grand Opening of the new Prairie Lane Elementary! We are so grateful to you, our community members and Prairie Lane family, for your team work, vision and support in making this dream a reality. Crews will continue their hard work inside and outside our school over the next month. Thursday, March 25 will be our final school day at the Swing School campus, and students/staff will begin classes at 11444 Hascall on Tuesday, April 6.

Prairie Lane aerial March 21

As we plan our official Ribbon Cutting and Dedication of our new school, we also continue to be vigilant about COVID-19. With that, please note the following:

  • We will host a modified Ribbon Cutting and Dedication on Monday, April 5 at 2pm for 6th grade students and their families and a limited number of District guests. As our eldest learners will only get to enjoy this building for a few months, they will be our special guests of honor at this event. This will allow us to maintain social distancing in person, and we will share the event LIVE online with all of our Prairie Lane family.
  • We will host a more traditional ceremony and Open House in August for all students, families, and staff, prior to the start of the 21/22 school year. Our hope is that as vaccines are distributed in the coming weeks and months, this will be a much safer environment/time for all to check out our new school. 

With that, here is a reminder of our timeline in the coming weeks for Prairie Lane staff and students:

NO SCHOOL for Prairie Lane students on Friday, March 19th

  • All other district schools will be in session 
  • Prairie Lane teachers and staff will be working on the move 

NO SCHOOL for Prairie Lane students on Friday, March 26th


  • All other district schools will be in session 
  • Prairie Lane teachers and staff will be working on the move


NO SCHOOL for Prairie Lane students on Monday, April 5th

  • All other district schools will be in session 
  • Prairie Lane teachers and staff will be working on the move 
  • Modified Ribbon Cutting, 2pm

TUESDAY, APRIL 6th will be the first day of school in the NEW Prairie Lane


THANK YOU for your understanding and support. We are so excited to welcome all learners and staff - now and in the future - to this amazing new school!


Belinda Westftall

Principal, Prairie Lane Elementary


Dr. Mike Lucas
